August 2014: European summer university for social movements

The European Water Movement will host three workshops during the European summer university for social movements to be held in Paris from 19 to 24 August.

Commodification and financialization of water within the UE

Water cycles and climate change

What democracy for water management within the EU ?

May 17th: Stop austerity! Stop privatizations!

Water, land, income, house, jobs, commons, social rights and democracy in Italy and Europe

Call for the construction of a nationalwide demonstration
in Rome (Italy) on May 17th

A new era in privatization of the commons, in attacks against our social rights and democracy is beginning.

The extraordinary victory achieved at 2011 water referendum shows that consent to a “private is better” ideology has ended and the multitude of open conflicts dealing with the defence of commons and local territories suggests the possibility and the urgency of a new social model. But crisis, built on the trap of public debt, is proposing again the ideology of “private is compulsory and indispensable” in a strong and fierce way.