6 items tagged "Ireland"

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Overview of the anti-water privatisation campaign in Ireland

Category: Country & City Focus
Creato il Giovedì, 16 Maggio 2019 14:09

In her 2005 book Earth Democracy Dr Vandana Shiva said, "Without water democracy, there can be no living democracy." We see this sentiment echoed in water struggles all across the planet. Where citizens fight against water privatisation, against water poverty and for water justice, a common theme emerges, crisis's of democracy itself." Ireland is no different.


In 1985 the Government introduced a local-authority domestic-service levy. This included a charge for household waste and domestic water. Attempts by local authorities to reintroduce water charges were met with fierce opposition. There were public protests, a non-payment campaign, and many of those who refused to pay were jailed. In some parts of the country, groups of citizens organised to reconnect supplies where water supply was cut off for non-payment. The opposition continued and in 1996 domestic water charges were abolished entirely, and it was decided that funding for water services was to come from general taxation with £50 million to be ringfenced from motor tax for water services.

In the following years, investment in water services was minimal, and between 2008 and 2013 the Irish Government reduced water funding by 65 %.

Prior to the financial crash, Ireland had 34 local authorities (Municipalities) with responsibility for providing water services. In 2009, the then-Fianna Fáil/Green Party Government announced that water charges were to be reintroduced. They claimed the water infrastructure was in dire need of upgrading and domestic water charging would have to recommence. They contended that domestic charges would fund investment and encourage water conservation.

Irish right2water campaign

Category: Videos
Creato il Mercoledì, 30 Agosto 2017 14:02

Workshop on "EU water policy"
European Summer University of social movements
Toulouse, 25 August 2017

Presentation of the Irish right2water campaign by Noreen Murphy, a Cork activist for the Irish right2water campaign, and comment on the Irish situation

Internationally renowned environmentalists urge water committee to end domestic water charges in Ireland

Category: Country & City Focus
Creato il Martedì, 07 Marzo 2017 14:47

Two of the worlds most prominent environmentalists and leading experts on water have written to Green Party Senator Grace O’Sullivan, member of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Water, urging her not to support metered charges for so-called ‘excessive use’.

Maude Barlow, National Chairperson of the Council of Canadians and founder of the Blue Planet Project, wrote to Senator O’Sullivan stating:

“Access to clean, safe drinking water and adequate sanitation are fundamental human rights that are essential for human health, dignity and well-being. As many countries fall short of their obligations to ensure that this right is enjoyed by all segments of the population, Ireland has successfully maintained universal coverage through central taxation and non-domestic usage fees. I am writing to urge you not to jeopardize this successful model that serves as an example to the rest of the world by introducing metered user fees.”

Read more on the Irish right2water blog

Contribution from the European Water Movement to the Irish Independent Water Commission

Category: Country & City Focus
Creato il Martedì, 13 Settembre 2016 15:02

Dear Mr. Kevin Duffy,

The European Water movement is an open, inclusive and pluralistic network of movements, social organizations, committees and trade unions at the European level that aims to reinforce the recognition of water as a commons and access to water and sanitation as a fundamental universal right, an essential element for all living beings. In that sense, the members of the European Water Movement have followed quite closely the debate about water charges in Ireland. We are deeply worried about how the Troika has imposed rules that threaten the Human Right to Water and Sanitation and that lead to privatise water management across Europe. Therefore, we would like to share with you some reflexions.

We welcome the creation of the independent Commission in Ireland and we wish more similar efforts will be made at the European level.

Tens of Thousands Flood Dublin Demanding Abolition of Austerity Tax On Water

Category: News from the Ground
Creato il Sabato, 21 Marzo 2015 11:21

Tens of thousands of people took to the streets of the Irish capital on Saturday to demand the abolition of a controversial water tax—an austerity measure that protesters say violates the human right to this vital good.

The campaign Right2Water announced in a press statement on Saturday that over 80,000 people from across Ireland took part in the demonstration. The group, whose steering committee organized the rally, had insisted ahead of the event that a big turnout is vital to "send a clear message that we refuse to be bullied and intimidated into acquiescence."

The Dublin rally was the latest mass mobilization in a protracted fight to head off a top-down push to directly charge residents for water use, to satisfy European Union and International Monetary Fund demands.

Beyond declaring that they "won't pay," protesters also seek to take proactive steps to prevent the government from privatizing Ireland's water bureau, Irish Water.

Read more on CommonDreams

April 2014: Our water is not for sale

Category: Agenda
Creato il Sabato, 15 Marzo 2014 18:13

Saturday 5 April 2014
The Gresham Hotel O’Connell St., Dublin (Ireland).

Conference on the Politics, Selling and Privatisation of Water
Convened by Brid Smith, People Before Profit candidate for Europe
Sponsored by Unite the Union

“Water promises to be the 21st century what oil was to the 20th century: the precious commodity that determines the wealth of nations” - Fortune Magazine

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