Letter requesting the release of Javier Ramírez

Javier Ramírez, president of the community of Junín in the Intag valley in Ecuador has been imprisoned in early april. Junín lies close to the copper orebody for the mega mining project called Llurimagua (formerly Junín project), currently in the hands of the Chilean state company Codelco. Javier Ramírez is accused of rebellion, sabotage and terrorism. The detention order comes from the Attorney of the Cotacachi canton whose Intag valley depends.

Many social, environmental and humanitarian organizations, including the European Water Movement denounce this maneuver and political criminalization of social and ecological struggles conducted by the Correa's government and demand the release of Javier Ramírez.

April 23, 2014

Letter requesting the release of Javier Ramírez and the list of signatories