River Ebro Challenge
We, people from the Ebro Delta Region in south Catalonia, would like to invite you to acknowledge and support our campaign to protect our river, its Delta and ecosystems and our livelihoods. The Ebro Delta is one of the most important wetland areas in southern Europe, but is extremely fragile.
We have handed in a Petition to the European Parliament in order to ask politicians to take action against the Ebro River Management Plan which, as it is formulated now, would cause an environmental disaster and the disappearance of 80% of the territory in 50 years.
The Ebro River Management plan draft is affected by economic fraud, technical incoherence and a serious lack of democracy in its elaboration.
Therefore we invite you to take a look at our blog where you can find can find more information on our challenge and ask you to declare your support.
Soon we’ll come to Brussels in order to prepare and follow up the debate in the Petition Committee and would like to invite you for an informal meeting in order to present our case to you and listen to your advice in the third week of May.